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Updated: Aug 30, 2022

How to work out when that is the last thing you want to do, aging gracefully series part 3.

If this is your first time visiting my blog...Welcome...Welcome! If you have been here before...Thank you and Welcome Back! This blog post is the third entry in a series about "aging gracefully"--a term that is often said but seldom understood. In this and previous segments, I have tried to identify a few important wellness steps as it relates to aging in a way that is not too intimidating and when done in small steps can lead you on the road to living life with purpose while "aging gracefully."

In the first blog post, my intent was to concentrate on the mindset of women in their 50's, 60's and beyond. The goal of the article was to allow you to focus on the positive, to recreate thoughts that would allow you to express more gratitude concerning what is good for you instead of focusing on the things about aging that we cannot control (click here to read the entire blog post).

In the second blog post, my intent was to concentrate on our outer appearance specifically our skin. It is important to acknowledge changes when it comes to our face and neck. Instead of giving up, discover skincare and treatment products that may help to reduce the signs of aging

In this, the third blog post on this series, I am going to working out. The key to implementing a fitness plan in your life care schedule is to do what is comfortable for you and no one else. One of the reasons people fail when it comes to exercise is, they set unrealistic expectations and ultimately give up. So how do you work out when that is the last thing you want to do?

In the previous blog post, I talked about mindset...well this is an important part of establishing time in your schedule to work! To follow-up, start with small steps, realistic steps and exercise activities that make you feel good not overwhelmed. Also remember, do not compare yourself to others...I repeat, do not compare yourself to others! Here are a few suggestions to start you on the path to taking care of yourself from a "body" perspective.

  1. The first step is to schedule time to stretch. This is important for several reasons. It improves your ability to perform daily physical activities. Decreases the risk of injuries such as fractures and muscle strains and it improves balance which also decreases the risk of falling and injury. Why not stretch with me. In the video below called, 4 Stretch Exercise to Regain Flexibility After Age 50, we will workout together. I will show you a few simple moves to help improve your flexibility. Follow along and in the beginning, do the stretch moves once or twice a week. As you become more flexible and comfortable, do the moves 4 times per week. LET'S GO!

2. Now that you are stretching, it is time to add some cardio to your routine. So, why is cardio important over age 50? When you keep your body in healthy condition, you increase your chances of warding off major illnesses and living longer. With age, you naturally slow down and gain weight as your metabolism decreases. Regular cardio over the age of 50 also helps to offset your slower metabolism by preventing weight gain. It is important to view this as "fun" and not "work" have a good time. In the exercise-with-me routine below, we are going to move for only 8 minutes but the good thing is we are going to gain over 1000 steps...all from the convenience of your home...your home...your way! Once you learn this routine, try to implement it in your schedule at least 2 times per week. You can always do the above stretch routine first and then this after. Let's go!

3. If you like dancing as much as I like dancing, this next routine is for you! I absolutely enjoy music also--jazz, soul, pop, broadway hits, name it. What a great combination, music and dance! More recent research has found that dancing can improve memory and brain health, especially in older adults. A 2021 study in the journal Neurobiology of Learning and Memory found that older adults who danced for two hours every week had healthier, "younger" brains than sedentary adults of a similar age (read article here). Another factor to aging gracefully is to discover, rediscover and reconnect with things that make you happy. In this easy-to-follow video, we will dance for 12 minutes. So let's dance together. Let's go!

Here are a few of my athletic favorites especially for women over 50...nice workout attire that will allow you to move freely while looking good in the process. It is important to have a good running shoe. Joint pain, bunions, and muscle soreness to name a few becomes a problem over age 50. While many ailments can be serious, more often than not, those over 50 can find reprieve (and more longevity!) by selecting the right running shoes for their aging feet. I have included a few of my picks for the perfect exercise outfit as you move forward on your journey to establishing a fitness routine when that is the last thing you want to do!

My final words of advice in the aging gracefully process is, don't give up...I repeat...don't give up on you! Love who you see staring back at you in the mirror! Thank you for reading what will be a series on how I embrace the aging process. You deserve to be the very best version of yourself from a mind, body and soul perspective. Sign Up For Blog Updates Here

By the way, join me for more workout videos and for fitness tips over 50 SUBSCRIBE to my YouTube Channel HERE.

To see, read and of course shop my wellness information, sign up for my blog post alerts. Feel free to send me an email at with your questions, comments or simply to share what you'd like to see more of from me when it comes to wellness for women over 50.

Also, for fashion and style tips for women over 50, please be sure to check my fashion blog at

This post may contain affiliate links and any sales made through such links will reward me a small commission so that I may continue to create valuable content. Of course, this is at no extra cost for you. Also, before starting an exercise program be sure it is okay with your physician. By performing any fitness exercises, you are performing them at your own risk.


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